Friday, November 13, 2015

B283 - Week 8

Tough week at work. My personal values about how do conduct business came clashing with how my employer seems to want to increase their business. No, nothing dishonest going on, at all. Just unproductive, wasteful efforts to grow volume share in a very competitive space. We are fortunate enough to be the biggest and most well respected brand in our industry and I happen to work in an area where we dominate by a margin of well over 50%. Understandably with that much saturation, it is difficult to find quality new customers. Instead of continuing to focus on continued growth and sustainability, leadership seems to focus only on gaining new accounts. Doesn’t matter if they are going to make us money, say a year or even just a few months from now. Just place our equipment, get an order, and call it a day! That just goes against every fiber of my business mind and is driving me crazy.
The last two days I had to deal with other employees’ misjudgments and became so frustrated, I honestly contemplated leaving. Fortunately I have a former boss whom I can call when I’m in a tough spot. He told me he felt the same way and would hate seeing me get as frustrated as he has been. He challenged me to just focus on doing the best I can do, to stick to my personal values, and to not worry about what other people have left behind for me. Just fix it and move on, he said. Great advice before starting this weekend!
I’ve listed the first two items on eBay and have already gotten one counter-offer. I didn’t accept it, but made a counter-offer myself. I don’t mind giving buyers a good deal, especially since I got the cartridges for free, but I don’t want to lower the price too much either.

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