Saturday, October 31, 2015

B283 - Week 6

I really enjoyed David Neeleman talking about their approach to creating the JetBlue Experience. Rather than throwing more money at something that customers are not really paying you for (food on a flight), spend money on something that will give them an experience different from any other business in your industry (personal in-flight entertainment controlled by each passenger)! I also liked their inventive approach to get each plane turned around as quickly as possible, by getting the flight attendants along with the pilots to clean the plane (team building anyone?), as well as actively assisting the passengers to stow their carry-on luggage and get them to their seats.
Neeleman makes some great points: You don't have to reinvent the wheel, just get rid of all the annoyances that make a wheel spin less effective (squeaky noises, out of balance, etc) and provide your consumer with as smooth an experience as possible. If we look at everything that touches our business with that frame of mind, we will find countless opportunities to improve both eternally as well as internally, all the while increasing satisfaction, profits, and the success of our company.
No news on the $100 challenge. I thought I still had the HTML code for a nice looking eBay template, but it most have gotten lost in the transition to a new PC.

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